Lethe, Hanover/St. James, Jamaica

According to Greek Mythology, Lethe was one of the five rivers of Hades and if you drank the water, it would cause forgetfulness.

Well I guarantee you that if you drink the waters around our Lethe, you will never forget the absolute beauty, tranquility and ambiance of that lush valley nestled in the foothills of Montpelier and neither would you want to.

Lethe (pronounced Leetie by the residents who must know how to pronounce the name of  their own district!) is a wonderful, quiet, scenic community which spans two parishes, as is separated by the Great River into Lethe St. James and Lethe Hanover.unnamed

This lush valley was once mainly a sugar/ banana producing area and remnants of the crumbled walls of some sugar factories are still visible.

Today however, while agriculture still remains the major industry, there are now good attractions based on the Great River, in the area which is close to the tourism capital of Jamaica, our second city, Montego Bay.

The Great River which surfaces up to approximately 1,400 feet  just north of the small village of Pisgah in the north west St. Elizabeth, snakes in a  north -easterly direction  for just over fifty miles to the Great River Bay just west of Montego Bay.

On its long trek, the river also intersects the north- eastern section of the large parish of Westmorland   which lies south of Hanover and south west of St.  James.

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Although Hanover is the smallest parish in the island, the larger segment of Lethe lies in that parish so residents of the St. James section of the village, receive their mail at the nearby slightly bigger village of Copse.


Rafting on the Great River, under the Lethe bridge

Copse as you know is a thicket and the two adjoining, scenic villages which are irrigated by the long Great River are a made up of a series of rain forests with magnificent trees, shrubs, bamboo, wild flowers and palms  as  well as intensely  cultivated farms.

To get to Lethe from Montego Bay, you must travel in a westerly direction to Reading then turn south up the steep, winding, narrow. picturesque road towards Anchovy.

Before getting to Anchovy itself, you must turn west at Wiltshire and that narrow, winding road going down through colorful country, takes you directly to Lehte.DSCN0249

That is where the peace and tranquility of the inviting Great River and some of the nicest people in Jamaica are to be found.


tourcoverJOAN WILLIAMS, co-host of JUSTICE on POWER 106, describes herself as an unapologetic addict to the Jamaican outdoors. A foundation member of FUN AND THRILLS ADVENTURE CLUB, she explores the island at any given opportunity cycling, hiking or swimming with that group, family, Jah 3 and anyone else who will have her. She is the author of the popular publication TOUR JAMAICA, the 4th edition of which is now an ebook available at;


Contact; gratestj@gmail.com



1 thought on “Lethe, Hanover/St. James, Jamaica

  1. ranord

    I love lethe its nice an peace full Its a place where a lot of peole come an make life —i love working with tourist I don’t need another job if I won’t b working with tourist –95% out of a 100 tourist that come to lethe an any adventure tour does not wanna leave !!!!


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